I didn't think it was love
I told myself it wasn't not love
I deceived myself
But my heart keep calling your name.

I take one step towards you
Push you one step away
Each time, you grow in my heart

I must be loving you this much
Must be waiting for you this much
Even though it hurt so much,
My heart can seem to let you go

I think there must be just one love
I don't think my heart will change
The love that I have kept for you
I can now finally tell you
I love you

Sometimes love at the same times tears
Even though its hard
I love you, I love you
I only need you by my side

I must be loving you this much
Must be waiting for you this much
Even though I can fool my head
I can't seem to fool my heart

I think there must be just one love
I don't think my heart will change
The love that I have kept for you
I can now finally tell you
I love you

ost you are beautiful


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